Trails watchmen are there to push mountain-bike agenda
Thank you for your article, Watchmen on Duty. What Mark Wood, who is a paid North Shore Mountain Bike Association employee, fails to mention is that mountain bikers have been doing all the things described in the role of the “watchers” for more than 10 years. None of this is anything new.
What is new is that NSMBA members now feel they need a special uniform to scare and intimidate other trail users; a quasi-military looking shield on a black shirt clearly is intended to do just that. Does Wood think that the public are fools not to understand this?
The comparisons to a block-watch group are false. Such groups are organized with the co-operation of police. The NSMBA watchmen are a gang of black-shirted vigilantes.
The NSMBA’s slogan, “Trails for all, trails forever,” mocks the community when people understand that “trails for all” means that they are expected to yield to all riders and “trails forever” means that the NSMBA will oppose the closure of any trail, no matter how environmentally unsound it may be.
Make no mistake — Woods is out to claim ownership of the woods for NSMBA and his black-shirted crew are part of that.
Lyle Craver, North Vancouver
Cops wrong to ignore illegals
The decision by transit police not to report fare evaders who are found to be in the country illegally to the Canada Border Services Agency constitutes badly misplaced compassion.
The transit police took this decision under pressure from groups such as No One is Illegal, whose goal it is to completely dismantle our border controls and eliminate a key element of what enables us to be an independent, sovereign state.
Those here illegally will now be increasingly encouraged to stay on without status, with negative consequences both for themselves and Canadians. Before long we will end up with the same problems as the U.S., where millions are there illegally.
The “illegals” have been open to exploitation and abuse by employers and they and their children face a very uncertain future. As for the impact on Canada, people will come from poorer parts of the world until our living standards are the same as those in the countries they left behind.
If we are going to allow someone to live here, it is imperative that they do so legally.
Martin Collacott, Centre for Immigration Policy Reform, Vancouver
‘Yes’ arguments don’t fly
Hallelujah! I just got an invite from Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson to attend a town-hall meeting concerning the proposed TransLink tax levy. The only other time I ever heard from him was at election time.
I keep hearing how we are all going to benefit and eventually we will make money from this deal in 2030 and even more by 2040! Are these guys good or what!
Sorry if I’m having a hard time accepting that. All I can think of is that if this goes through, these fat cats will have a big party and give themselves nice bonuses.
We’ve all had to bite the bullet, maybe it’s time they did too.
Joseph Verhagen, Vancouver
Proposed tax hard on poor
The proposed additional TransLink sales tax is extremely hard on those of us who live on pensions. We notice that all those who are voting Yes are wealthy business people, politicians, the board of trade, etc.
This tax would be forever as governments never like to cut a tax. Poorer people of B.C. are the poorer from all these add-on taxes.
The B.C. government boasts about having the lowest income taxes in Canada but they put so many add-on taxes on everything else that it attacks the poor.
Wake up people this is just the beginning of further taxing those of us who can least afford this nonsense. Please vote No!
Gareth Evans, Surrey
The editorial pages editor is Gordon Clark, who can be reached at Letters to the editor can be sent to